Modernization of industry technologies and operation


Automation of machines and technologies
Computer controlled technology
Visualization, monitoring, alarming

We help our customers and partner with automation of machines, technologies and other production lines. Automation is closely connected to measurement of physical values used for machine control.

This service is designed for customers who plan modernization of production, renovation of production machines or improving production efficiency. Improvement of physical quantity measurement (like length, temperature, pressure, flowage and others) can generate significant cost savings.

Visualization, monitoring and alarming is a generic part technological delivery for customer. Visualization including monitoring and alarming can be installed into management panels, office PC local and/or remote, into mobile devices. We use software ProfiView which we distribute in Czech Republic.

For more information or preparing a commercial offer contact us directly: or tel: +420 571 415 387, Mobile: +420 603 533 227

userMAXPRO s.r.o.

Company address :
Jiráskova 379
755 01 Vsetín

Contact information :
tel/fax: +420 571 415 387
tel: +420 571 416 325