Solar energy


Projects and design
Realization - installation
Startup and connection to the network

We design electric parts of photovoltaic power sources. Result of the design is documentation needed for realization. Thanks to such documentation we are able to finish realization (prepare all electric parts, install and start / connect to the network).

Realization of the photovoltaic power source is done together with our partners.

Each installation is consulted analyzed individually. It starts by observation of the place, where the power source should be installed, selection of the relevant technology, finishing with installation and connection to the network. Some parts of the realization is provided by our partners.

We deliver photovoltaic power sources of all size: from small "island" installation for personal use (not connected to the network), usually installed on roof of houses, up to mid size with power of 100kW.

For more information or preparing of commercial offer, contact us directly: or tel: +420 571 415 387, Mobile: +420 603 533 227.

userMAXPRO s.r.o.

Company address :
Jiráskova 379
755 01 Vsetín

Contact information :
tel/fax: +420 571 415 387
tel: +420 571 416 325